After a long flight or road trip, it’s not uncommon to experience digestive issues. From gas and bloating to diarrhea and constipation, travel can take a toll on your gut. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the negative effects of travel on your digestion. Here are eight tips for healthy post-travel digestion. #1 Drink Plenty of Fluids Staying hydrated is key for keeping your digestive system functioning properly. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day (or according to your ... [Read More]
How the Summer Heat Can Affect Digestive Health Issues
Beautiful blue skies, sunny weather, BBQs, and days at the pool are all signs that the summer has arrived. However, the weather won't be the only thing heating up. If you're dealing with tummy problems during the summer months, you don't have to suffer alone. Request a consultation with a GI doctor at Austin Gastroenterology today to learn how to optimize your gut health. Give your body the break it deserves in the hotter months with a few tips and tricks on how to manage your GI symptoms. ... [Read More]
Learn the Signs of Poor Gut Health
Worrisome issues, like stomach pain, chronic diarrhea, or unintentional weight changes, can be more than a mere annoyance. In the event you experience persistent signs of an unhealthy gut, you could be afflicted with a concerning GI issue. Don't overlook the signs of poor GI health. Should you experience symptoms that are different, such as a change in bowel habits or yearnings for certain foods, bring it to the attention of a skilled gastroenterology specialist in Austin, TX. By talking with a ... [Read More]
Learn About the Anatomy of the GI System
Summary: Your gastrointestinal system conducts the critical function of digestion, letting you absorb nutrients from food and ridding your body of the waste. In order to break down and properly utilize the food you eat, your body has a very important system referred to as the digestive tract. At Austin Gastroenterology, we specialize in the wellness and maintenance of this important body system. Our wish is to help you become more in tune with your gastrointestinal health, and our experts ... [Read More]
5 Common Sources of Protein That Aid Digestive Health
Animal protein provides essential amino acids. While protein can be sourced from plant-based foods, plants lack one amino acid, which the body needs. Moreover, the digestive system has an easier time breaking down animal proteins. It is also a fact that the highest quality protein is sourced from animal products. If you have switched to a plant-based diet and are experiencing digestive issues, you may want to consider reintroducing animal protein back into your diet. With moderation, you can ... [Read More]